Campeonato Porsche Cayman

# Driver Team Points
1 Mauro Torres M.Torres Competición 665
2 Javier Almazor Benedicto XVI Válvulas 607
3 Jose Pernas MRT Team Meigas 597
4 Angel Cobas MRT Martini 559
5 Alvaro Garcia 495
6 Manuel Ortiz MRT Martini 394
7 Jose Luis Sausa Cantero TEAM WGP MARTINI 378
8 Eber Gutierrez MRT CAT Motorsports 324
9 Rolan Fernandez MRT Team Meigas 311
10 Carlos Martinez AssettoHosting eSports Team 196
11 Xavi Ortiz MRT CAT Motorsports 168
12 Luis Darlos Ligüerre Miguel Benedicto XVI válvulas 160
13 Ruben PATO Ribaga TPA Speed Boys 26
# Team Points
1 MRT Martini 953
2 MRT Team Meigas 908
3 M.Torres Competición 665
4 Benedicto XVI Válvulas 607
5 MRT CAT Motorsports 492
7 AssettoHosting eSports Team 196
8 Benedicto XVI válvulas 160
9 TPA Speed Boys 26
Pos Driver Duba Sakh Yas Sepa Road Indi Total Points
1 TOR 120 104 116 101 116 108 665
2 ALM 81 104 116 91 116 99 607
3 PER 81 112 93 108 99 104 597
4 COB 93 67 94 107 91 107 559
5 GAR 62 75 78 87 96 97 495
6 ORT 59 59 62 75 71 68 394
7 CAN 96 104 93 DNS DNS 85 378
8 GUT DNS 65 81 96 82 DNS 324
9 FER 72 54 DNS 74 37 74 311
10 MAR 112 84 DNS DNS DNS DNS 196
11 ORT 84 84 DNS DNS DNS DNS 168
12 MIG DNS 24 71 65 DQ DNS 160
1st 2nd 3rd 4th - 10th > 10th No Points
# Driver Team Car Attendance
1 Alvaro Garcia AKR Safety Car / Gtrspain Tv 1 6 / 6
2 Angel Cobas MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR / 76 Angel Cobas 6 / 6
3 Carlos Martinez AssettoHosting eSports Team Porsche Cayman RSR / 86 Guerilla Racing 2 / 6
4 Eber Gutierrez MRT CAT Motorsports Porsche Cayman RSR / 2 Marlboro Racing 4 / 6
5 Javier Almazor Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR / 04 Wgp Sausa 6 / 6
6 Jose Luis Sausa Cantero TEAM WGP MARTINI Porsche Cayman RSR / 04 Wgp Sausa 4 / 6
7 Jose Pernas MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR / 04 Wgp Sausa 6 / 6
8 Luis Carlos Ligüerre Miguel Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR / 2 Marlboro Racing 3 / 6
9 Manuel Ortiz MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR / 64 Manuel Ortiz 6 / 6
10 Mauro Torres M.Torres Competición Porsche Cayman RSR / 12 Mauro Torres 6 / 6
11 Rolan Fernandez MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR / 7 Newman Racing 5 / 6
12 Ruben PATO Ribaga TPA Speed Boys Porsche Cayman RSR / 31 Victor Munoz 1 / 6
13 Xavi Ortiz MRT CAT Motorsports Porsche Cayman RSR / 2 Marlboro Racing 2 / 6
# Driver Team Car / Skin Status
1 Carlos Martinez AssettoHosting eSports Team Porsche Cayman RSR / 86 Guerilla Racing Accepted
2 Jose Luis Sausa Cantero TEAM WGP MARTINI Porsche Cayman RSR / 04 Wgp Sausa Accepted
3 Javier Almazor Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR / 04 Wgp Sausa Accepted
4 Alvaro Garcia AKR Safety Car / Gtrspain Tv 1 Accepted
5 Mauro Torres M.Torres Competición Porsche Cayman RSR / 12 Mauro Torres Accepted
6 Rolan Fernandez MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR / 7 Newman Racing Accepted
7 Jose Pernas MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR / 04 Wgp Sausa Accepted
8 Eber Gutierrez MRT CAT Motorsports Porsche Cayman RSR / 2 Marlboro Racing Accepted
9 Xavi Ortiz MRT CAT Motorsports Porsche Cayman RSR / 2 Marlboro Racing Accepted
10 Ruben PATO Ribaga TPA Speed Boys Porsche Cayman RSR / 31 Victor Munoz Accepted
11 Manuel Ortiz MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR / 64 Manuel Ortiz Accepted
12 Angel Cobas MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR / 76 Angel Cobas Accepted
13 Luis Carlos Ligüerre Miguel Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR / 2 Marlboro Racing Accepted
12 open slots
Place Points
1st 60
2nd 56
3rd 52
4th 47
5th 44
6th 41
7th 37
8th 34
9th 31
10th 28
11th 26
12th 24
13th 22
14th 20
15th 16
16th 15
17th 14
18th 13
19th 12
20th 11
21st 10
22nd 9
23rd 8
24th 7
25th 6
26th 5
27th 0
28th 0
29th 0
30th 0
31st 0
Fastest Race Lap 0
Best Qualifying Lap 0
Most Laps Led 0
Collision with Other Car -0
Collision with Environment -0
Cut Track -0
Second Race Points Multiplier 1

Car Skin
1st Place

Mauro Torres
M.Torres Competición

Car Skin
2nd Place

Javier Almazor
Benedicto XVI Válvulas

Car Skin
3rd Place

Jose Pernas
MRT Team Meigas

Car Skin
4th Place

Angel Cobas
MRT Martini

Car Skin
5th Place

Alvaro Garcia

Car Skin
6th Place

Manuel Ortiz
MRT Martini

Car Skin
7th Place

Jose Luis Sausa Cantero

Car Skin
8th Place

Eber Gutierrez
MRT CAT Motorsports

Car Skin
9th Place

Rolan Fernandez
MRT Team Meigas

Car Skin
10th Place

Carlos Martinez
AssettoHosting eSports Team

Car Skin
11th Place

Xavi Ortiz
MRT CAT Motorsports

Car Skin
12th Place

Luis Darlos Ligüerre Miguel
Benedicto XVI válvulas

Car Skin
13th Place

Ruben PATO Ribaga
TPA Speed Boys


Campeonato organizado por GTRSpain y con esto conlleva que cualquier participante tiene que aceptar las normas de la comunidad y el reglamento de dicho campeonato para poder participar. Este campeonato esta comprendido por 6 pruebas.


14-03 / Presentación MUGELLO

21-03 / 1ª Carrera - DUBAI

04-04 / 2ª Carrera - BAHRAIN

11-04 / 3ª Carrera - YAS MARINA

18-04 / 4ª Carrera - SEPANG

25-04 / 5ª Carrera - ROAD ONE INTERNATIONAL

09-05 / 6ª Carrera - BUDDH CIRCUIT - INDIA

Los horarios de la sesión completa son los siguientes:

- Apertura server: 22:00 Hrs

- Briefing: 22:30 HrS

- Clasificación: 22:40 Hrs

- Carrera : 23:00 Hrs (60 min)

Parámetros a usar en el server durante el campeonato serán:

Desgaste : 200 - Consumo : 100 - Daños : 100 - Grip : 100.

(Estos datos podrían cambiar)

Resto de datos en breve..


This Championship currently has 6 events configured.

Circuito Dubai
Completed on Friday, March 22, 2024 12:00 AM (CET)
  • Practice : 10 minutes
  • Qualifying : 10 minutes
  • Race : 5 laps
  • 1st: Mauro Torres
  • 2nd: Carlos Martinez
  • 3rd: Jose Luis Sausa Cantero
Best Qualifying: Mauro Torres
Fastest Lap: Jose Luis Sausa Cantero
Fastest Lap (2nd Race): Mauro Torres
Most Laps Led: Mauro Torres
Most Laps Led (2nd Race): Carlos Martinez
dubai dubai_gp

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Team Car Best Practice Lap Average Lap Laps
1 Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 01:57.898
Tyre: CUP
01:58.517 24 laps / 34 cuts
2 M.Torres Competición Porsche Cayman RSR 01:58.104
Tyre: CUP
01:59.098 14 laps / 5 cuts
3 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 01:59.129
Tyre: CUP
01:59.345 12 laps / 7 cuts
4 Porsche Cayman RSR 01:59.329
Tyre: CUP
02:00.123 21 laps / 11 cuts
5 TPA Speed Boys Porsche Cayman RSR 277:46:39.999
Tyre: ?
00:00.000 2 laps / 2 cuts
6 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 277:46:39.999
Tyre: ?
00:00.000 1 laps / 0 cuts

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Team Car Qualifying Time Average Lap Laps
1 M.Torres Competición Porsche Cayman RSR 01:56.852
Tyre: CUP
01:58.588 8 laps / 2 cuts
2 AssettoHosting eSports Team Porsche Cayman RSR 01:56.954
Tyre: CUP
01:57.496 9 laps / 3 cuts
3 TEAM WGP MARTINI Porsche Cayman RSR 01:57.606
Tyre: CUP
01:58.317 7 laps / 1 cuts
4 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 01:57.949
Tyre: CUP
02:00.320 9 laps / 3 cuts
5 Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 01:57.981
Tyre: CUP
01:57.981 3 laps / 1 cuts
6 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 01:58.592
Tyre: CUP
01:58.665 4 laps / 2 cuts
7 MRT CAT Motorsports Porsche Cayman RSR 01:58.834
Tyre: CUP
01:58.929 8 laps / 10 cuts
8 Porsche Cayman RSR 01:59.074
Tyre: CUP
01:59.149 7 laps / 9 cuts
9 TPA Speed Boys Porsche Cayman RSR 01:59.262
Tyre: CUP
01:59.360 5 laps / 2 cuts
10 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 02:00.354
Tyre: CUP
02:00.980 8 laps / 5 cuts
11 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 02:00.668
Tyre: CUP
02:01.282 8 laps / 14 cuts

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Team Car Gained/Lost Total Race Time Num Laps Best Lap Average Clean Lap Collisions
1 M.Torres Competición Porsche Cayman RSR 00:25:49.862 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:58.119
Tyre: CUP
01:58.725 0
2 AssettoHosting eSports Team Porsche Cayman RSR 00:25:50.214 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:58.145
Tyre: CUP
01:58.648 0
3 TEAM WGP MARTINI Porsche Cayman RSR 00:26:00.450 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:57.962
Tyre: CUP
01:59.444 0
4 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 00:26:09.521 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:58.885
Tyre: CUP
02:00.046 2
5 Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 00:26:10.495 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:59.027
Tyre: CUP
02:00.033 4 (+1 after session)
6 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 00:26:12.291 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:59.250
Tyre: CUP
01:59.941 0
7 MRT CAT Motorsports Porsche Cayman RSR 00:26:13.134 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:59.058
Tyre: CUP
02:00.082 1
8 Porsche Cayman RSR 00:26:34.723 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:59.802
Tyre: CUP
02:01.954 3
9 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 1 00:26:35.384 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:59.984
Tyre: CUP
02:01.748 0
10 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 1 00:27:02.813 13 laps / 0 cuts 02:01.789
Tyre: CUP
02:03.980 1
11 TPA Speed Boys Porsche Cayman RSR 2 00:02:12.503 1 laps / 0 cuts 02:12.617
Tyre: CUP
00:00.000 3

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Team Car Gained/Lost Total Race Time Num Laps Best Lap Average Clean Lap Collisions
1 M.Torres Competición Porsche Cayman RSR 9 00:25:58.772 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:57.846
Tyre: CUP
01:58.924 2
2 AssettoHosting eSports Team Porsche Cayman RSR 7 00:26:04.704 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:57.952
Tyre: CUP
01:59.487 1
3 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 2 00:26:09.595 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:59.004
Tyre: CUP
02:00.045 1
4 MRT CAT Motorsports Porsche Cayman RSR 00:26:11.573 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:58.494
Tyre: CUP
02:00.022 2
5 TEAM WGP MARTINI Porsche Cayman RSR 3 00:26:19.218 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:58.257
Tyre: CUP
02:00.775 3
6 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 4 00:26:34.245 13 laps / 0 cuts 02:00.307
Tyre: CUP
02:02.186 1
7 Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 1 00:26:45.104 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:59.090
Tyre: CUP
02:02.751 3 (+1 after session)
8 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 1 00:27:03.749 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:59.090
Tyre: CUP
02:01.257 1
9 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 8 00:26:29.704 12 laps / 0 cuts 02:00.374
Tyre: CUP
02:03.482 5 (+1 after session)
10 Porsche Cayman RSR 7 00:22:20.265 11 laps / 0 cuts 01:59.532
Tyre: CUP
02:00.374 1
# Name Team Car Points
1 Mauro Torres M.Torres Competición Porsche Cayman RSR 120
2 Carlos Martinez AssettoHosting eSports Team Porsche Cayman RSR 112
3 Jose Luis Sausa Cantero TEAM WGP MARTINI Porsche Cayman RSR 96
4 Angel Cobas MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 93
5 Xavi Ortiz MRT CAT Motorsports Porsche Cayman RSR 84
6 Jose Pernas MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 81
7 Javier Almazor Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 81
8 Rolan Fernandez MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 72
9 Alvaro Garcia Porsche Cayman RSR 62
10 Manuel Ortiz MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 59
11 Ruben PATO Ribaga TPA Speed Boys Porsche Cayman RSR 26
Sakhir International Circuit Manama, Bahrain
Completed on Friday, April 5, 2024 12:03 AM (CEST)
  • Practice : 10 minutes
  • Qualifying : 10 minutes
  • Race : 15 minutes
  • 1st: Javier Almazor
  • 2nd: Jose Pernas
  • 3rd: Mauro Torres
Best Qualifying: Jose Pernas
Fastest Lap: Jose Pernas
Fastest Lap (2nd Race): Javier Almazor
Most Laps Led: Javier Almazor
Most Laps Led (2nd Race): Jose Luis Sausa Cantero
bahrain_2018 bahrain_day

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Team Car Best Practice Lap Average Lap Laps
1 Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 01:58.747
Tyre: CUP
02:08.633 11 laps / 0 cuts
2 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 01:59.083
Tyre: CUP
02:17.536 10 laps / 2 cuts
3 M.Torres Competición Porsche Cayman RSR 01:59.086
Tyre: CUP
02:31.836 5 laps / 4 cuts
4 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 02:00.053
Tyre: CUP
02:11.976 11 laps / 2 cuts
5 TEAM WGP MARTINI Porsche Cayman RSR 02:00.104
Tyre: CUP
02:00.801 5 laps / 1 cuts
6 Porsche Cayman RSR 02:00.535
Tyre: CUP
02:07.441 10 laps / 4 cuts
7 AssettoHosting eSports Team Porsche Cayman RSR 02:01.023
Tyre: CUP
02:02.083 3 laps / 0 cuts
8 Benedicto XVI válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 02:02.714
Tyre: CUP
02:07.111 6 laps / 2 cuts
9 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 02:04.466
Tyre: CUP
02:07.738 8 laps / 7 cuts

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Team Car Qualifying Time Average Lap Laps
1 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 01:58.186
Tyre: CUP
01:58.946 6 laps / 0 cuts
2 M.Torres Competición Porsche Cayman RSR 01:58.306
Tyre: CUP
01:58.430 8 laps / 5 cuts
3 AssettoHosting eSports Team Porsche Cayman RSR 01:58.377
Tyre: CUP
02:02.981 8 laps / 2 cuts
4 Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 01:58.380
Tyre: CUP
01:58.631 8 laps / 3 cuts
5 TEAM WGP MARTINI Porsche Cayman RSR 01:58.475
Tyre: CUP
01:59.113 9 laps / 3 cuts
6 Porsche Cayman RSR 01:58.898
Tyre: CUP
01:59.889 10 laps / 1 cuts
7 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 01:58.930
Tyre: CUP
01:59.378 6 laps / 0 cuts
8 MRT CAT Motorsports Porsche Cayman RSR 02:00.115
Tyre: CUP
02:07.304 9 laps / 9 cuts
9 MRT CAT Motorsports Porsche Cayman RSR 02:00.434
Tyre: CUP
02:00.434 3 laps / 1 cuts
10 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 02:01.079
Tyre: CUP
02:03.016 9 laps / 2 cuts
11 Benedicto XVI válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 02:01.983
Tyre: CUP
02:02.750 4 laps / 1 cuts
12 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 02:03.283
Tyre: CUP
02:03.283 3 laps / 3 cuts

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Team Car Gained/Lost Total Race Time Num Laps Best Lap Average Clean Lap Collisions
1 Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 3 00:26:00.531 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:58.900
Tyre: CUP
01:59.488 1
2 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 1 00:26:01.626 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:58.736
Tyre: CUP
01:59.682 1 (+1 after session)
3 M.Torres Competición Porsche Cayman RSR 1 00:26:08.594 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:59.320
Tyre: CUP
02:00.327 3
4 AssettoHosting eSports Team Porsche Cayman RSR 1 00:26:09.727 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:59.272
Tyre: CUP
02:00.163 2 (+1 after session)
5 TEAM WGP MARTINI Porsche Cayman RSR 00:26:10.220 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:59.401
Tyre: CUP
02:00.294 3
6 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 1 00:26:15.757 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:59.239
Tyre: CUP
02:00.487 1
7 MRT CAT Motorsports Porsche Cayman RSR 2 00:26:35.115 13 laps / 0 cuts 02:00.627
Tyre: CUP
02:02.146 2
8 Porsche Cayman RSR 2 00:26:39.483 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:59.295
Tyre: CUP
02:00.539 1 (+1 after session)
9 MRT CAT Motorsports Porsche Cayman RSR 1 00:26:55.380 13 laps / 0 cuts 02:00.327
Tyre: CUP
02:03.739 2
10 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 00:27:00.858 13 laps / 0 cuts 02:02.616
Tyre: CUP
02:03.944 0
11 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 1 00:27:31.998 13 laps / 0 cuts 02:02.408
Tyre: CUP
02:06.642 0
12 Benedicto XVI válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 1 00:06:56.414 3 laps / 0 cuts 02:06.438
Tyre: CUP
02:21.789 0

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Team Car Gained/Lost Total Race Time Num Laps Best Lap Average Clean Lap Collisions
1 TEAM WGP MARTINI Porsche Cayman RSR 6 00:26:06.060 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:59.284
Tyre: CUP
01:59.876 0
2 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 8 00:26:10.831 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:59.409
Tyre: CUP
02:00.121 2
3 M.Torres Competición Porsche Cayman RSR 6 00:26:14.814 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:59.171
Tyre: CUP
02:00.378 2
4 MRT CAT Motorsports Porsche Cayman RSR 00:26:15.607 13 laps / 0 cuts 02:00.064
Tyre: CUP
02:00.959 0
5 Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 6 00:26:16.160 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:58.903
Tyre: CUP
02:00.538 1
6 Porsche Cayman RSR 1 00:26:26.106 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:59.642
Tyre: CUP
02:00.614 3
7 AssettoHosting eSports Team Porsche Cayman RSR 1 00:26:46.774 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:59.755
Tyre: CUP
02:00.777 3
8 MRT CAT Motorsports Porsche Cayman RSR 5 00:26:47.784 13 laps / 0 cuts 02:00.613
Tyre: CUP
02:02.501 4
9 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 7 00:26:53.487 13 laps / 0 cuts 02:02.441
Tyre: CUP
02:03.928 2
10 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 9 00:26:56.300 13 laps / 0 cuts 02:01.736
Tyre: CUP
02:04.087 2
11 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 5 00:14:25.331 7 laps / 0 cuts 02:01.353
Tyre: CUP
02:01.927 4
# Name Team Car Points
1 Jose Pernas MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 112
2 Javier Almazor Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 104
3 Jose Luis Sausa Cantero TEAM WGP MARTINI Porsche Cayman RSR 104
4 Mauro Torres M.Torres Competición Porsche Cayman RSR 104
5 Xavi Ortiz MRT CAT Motorsports Porsche Cayman RSR 84
6 Carlos Martinez AssettoHosting eSports Team Porsche Cayman RSR 84
7 Alvaro Garcia Porsche Cayman RSR 75
8 Angel Cobas MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 67
9 Eber Gutierrez MRT CAT Motorsports Porsche Cayman RSR 65
10 Manuel Ortiz MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 59
11 Rolan Fernandez MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 54
12 Luis Darlos Ligüerre Miguel Benedicto XVI válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 24
Jerez GP, Spain
Completed on Friday, April 12, 2024 12:06 AM (CEST)
  • Practice : 10 minutes
  • Qualifying : 10 minutes
  • Race : 5 laps
  • 1st: Mauro Torres
  • 2nd: Javier Almazor
  • 3rd: Jose Pernas
Best Qualifying: Mauro Torres
Fastest Lap: Jose Pernas
Fastest Lap (2nd Race): Mauro Torres
Most Laps Led: Javier Almazor
Most Laps Led (2nd Race): Javier Almazor
night_acu_yasmarina gp

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Team Car Best Practice Lap Average Lap Laps
1 M.Torres Competición Porsche Cayman RSR 02:09.935
Tyre: CUP
02:10.931 11 laps / 8 cuts
2 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 02:09.988
Tyre: CUP
02:10.835 11 laps / 14 cuts
3 Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 02:10.223
Tyre: CUP
02:11.478 23 laps / 22 cuts
4 Porsche Cayman RSR 02:10.746
Tyre: CUP
02:20.359 23 laps / 15 cuts
5 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 02:11.371
Tyre: CUP
02:12.378 13 laps / 5 cuts
6 TEAM WGP MARTINI Porsche Cayman RSR 02:12.251
Tyre: CUP
02:12.664 4 laps / 1 cuts
7 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 02:15.160
Tyre: CUP
02:15.160 13 laps / 30 cuts
8 Benedicto XVI válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 02:16.938
Tyre: CUP
02:17.216 7 laps / 8 cuts

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Team Car Qualifying Time Average Lap Laps
1 M.Torres Competición Porsche Cayman RSR 02:09.202
Tyre: CUP
02:44.861 7 laps / 5 cuts
2 Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 02:09.872
Tyre: CUP
02:10.200 8 laps / 7 cuts
3 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 02:09.893
Tyre: CUP
02:11.268 8 laps / 3 cuts
4 TEAM WGP MARTINI Porsche Cayman RSR 02:10.284
Tyre: CUP
02:10.705 6 laps / 2 cuts
5 Porsche Cayman RSR 02:10.481
Tyre: CUP
02:12.948 8 laps / 5 cuts
6 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 02:11.006
Tyre: CUP
02:49.886 7 laps / 3 cuts
7 MRT CAT Motorsports Porsche Cayman RSR 02:13.742
Tyre: CUP
02:13.742 6 laps / 11 cuts
8 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 02:15.307
Tyre: CUP
02:16.040 7 laps / 8 cuts
9 Benedicto XVI válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 02:16.430
Tyre: CUP
02:16.430 6 laps / 10 cuts

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Team Car Gained/Lost Total Race Time Num Laps Best Lap Average Clean Lap Collisions
1 M.Torres Competición Porsche Cayman RSR 00:26:13.943 12 laps / 1 cuts 02:10.087
Tyre: CUP
02:10.767 0
2 Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 00:26:17.178 12 laps / 2 cuts 02:10.214
Tyre: CUP
02:10.804 1
3 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 00:26:17.822 12 laps / 3 cuts 02:09.783
Tyre: CUP
02:10.988 0 (+2 after session)
4 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 2 00:26:32.711 12 laps / 1 cuts 02:11.404
Tyre: CUP
02:12.292 0 (+2 after session)
5 Porsche Cayman RSR 00:26:43.144 12 laps / 1 cuts 02:11.839
Tyre: CUP
02:13.149 1
6 TEAM WGP MARTINI Porsche Cayman RSR 2 00:26:44.036 12 laps / 2 cuts 02:11.358
Tyre: CUP
02:12.834 3
7 MRT CAT Motorsports Porsche Cayman RSR 00:26:58.573 12 laps / 1 cuts 02:11.581
Tyre: CUP
02:13.995 2
8 Benedicto XVI válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 1 00:27:30.695 12 laps / 6 cuts 02:14.757
Tyre: CUP
02:15.955 1
9 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 1 00:27:58.237 12 laps / 1 cuts 02:17.760
Tyre: CUP
02:19.223 0

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Team Car Gained/Lost Total Race Time Num Laps Best Lap Average Clean Lap Collisions
1 Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 7 00:26:37.063 12 laps / 1 cuts 02:11.013
Tyre: CUP
02:12.008 2
2 M.Torres Competición Porsche Cayman RSR 7 00:26:50.061 12 laps / 5 cuts 02:10.486
Tyre: CUP
02:12.411 3
3 TEAM WGP MARTINI Porsche Cayman RSR 1 00:26:52.092 12 laps / 4 cuts 02:11.357
Tyre: CUP
02:14.003 2
4 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 2 00:26:53.980 12 laps / 2 cuts 02:12.159
Tyre: CUP
02:13.197 0 (+2 after session)
5 MRT CAT Motorsports Porsche Cayman RSR 2 00:27:25.162 12 laps / 10 cuts 02:12.777
Tyre: CUP
02:13.093 9 (+2 after session)
6 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 1 00:27:25.893 12 laps / 9 cuts 02:10.610
Tyre: CUP
02:15.046 5 (+2 after session)
7 Benedicto XVI válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 5 00:27:37.655 12 laps / 6 cuts 02:14.908
Tyre: CUP
02:18.649 0
8 Porsche Cayman RSR 3 00:27:41.603 12 laps / 10 cuts 02:12.117
Tyre: CUP
02:13.237 5
9 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 8 00:28:23.174 12 laps / 1 cuts 02:16.441
Tyre: CUP
02:20.749 4
# Name Team Car Points
1 Javier Almazor Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 116
2 Mauro Torres M.Torres Competición Porsche Cayman RSR 116
3 Angel Cobas MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 94
4 Jose Pernas MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 93
5 Jose Luis Sausa Cantero TEAM WGP MARTINI Porsche Cayman RSR 93
6 Eber Gutierrez MRT CAT Motorsports Porsche Cayman RSR 81
7 Alvaro Garcia Porsche Cayman RSR 78
8 Luis Darlos Ligüerre Miguel Benedicto XVI válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 71
9 Manuel Ortiz MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 62
Completed on Friday, April 19, 2024 12:04 AM (CEST)
  • Practice : 10 minutes
  • Qualifying : 10 minutes
  • Race : 5 laps
  • 1st: Mauro Torres
  • 2nd: Jose Pernas
  • 3rd: Eber Gutierrez
Best Qualifying: Mauro Torres
Fastest Lap: Mauro Torres
Fastest Lap (2nd Race): Mauro Torres
Most Laps Led: Mauro Torres
Most Laps Led (2nd Race): Angel Cobas

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Team Car Best Practice Lap Average Lap Laps
1 Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 02:03.427
Tyre: CUP
02:08.554 15 laps / 5 cuts
2 M.Torres Competición Porsche Cayman RSR 02:03.630
Tyre: CUP
02:04.485 6 laps / 2 cuts
3 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 02:03.659
Tyre: CUP
02:15.196 19 laps / 12 cuts
4 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 02:04.274
Tyre: CUP
02:05.975 13 laps / 9 cuts
5 Porsche Cayman RSR 02:04.932
Tyre: CUP
02:31.418 21 laps / 20 cuts
6 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 02:06.079
Tyre: CUP
02:07.871 22 laps / 18 cuts
7 Benedicto XVI válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 02:11.138
Tyre: CUP
02:11.138 7 laps / 9 cuts

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Team Car Qualifying Time Average Lap Laps
1 M.Torres Competición Porsche Cayman RSR 02:03.195
Tyre: CUP
02:10.246 8 laps / 1 cuts
2 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 02:03.487
Tyre: CUP
02:04.304 9 laps / 3 cuts
3 Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 02:03.749
Tyre: CUP
02:06.712 8 laps / 7 cuts
4 Porsche Cayman RSR 02:04.167
Tyre: CUP
02:05.639 9 laps / 1 cuts
5 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 02:05.114
Tyre: CUP
02:18.928 6 laps / 3 cuts
6 MRT CAT Motorsports Porsche Cayman RSR 02:05.378
Tyre: CUP
02:05.811 3 laps / 0 cuts
7 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 02:06.587
Tyre: CUP
02:08.111 6 laps / 8 cuts
8 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 02:07.556
Tyre: CUP
02:08.258 6 laps / 12 cuts
9 Benedicto XVI válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 02:09.941
Tyre: CUP
02:11.110 4 laps / 0 cuts

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Team Car Gained/Lost Total Race Time Num Laps Best Lap Average Clean Lap Collisions
1 M.Torres Competición Porsche Cayman RSR 00:25:04.922 12 laps / 0 cuts 02:03.897
Tyre: CUP
02:04.758 0
2 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 00:25:24.112 12 laps / 0 cuts 02:04.313
Tyre: CUP
02:06.173 1
3 MRT CAT Motorsports Porsche Cayman RSR 3 00:25:28.429 12 laps / 0 cuts 02:05.000
Tyre: CUP
02:06.717 0
4 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 1 00:25:42.259 12 laps / 0 cuts 02:06.384
Tyre: CUP
02:07.485 1
5 Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 2 00:25:48.685 12 laps / 0 cuts 02:04.471
Tyre: CUP
02:08.691 2 (+4 after session)
6 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 2 00:26:02.665 12 laps / 0 cuts 02:07.432
Tyre: CUP
02:09.244 0 (+1 after session)
7 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 00:26:06.581 12 laps / 0 cuts 02:07.004
Tyre: CUP
02:09.470 0
8 Benedicto XVI válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 1 00:26:48.682 12 laps / 0 cuts 02:09.771
Tyre: CUP
02:12.729 0 (+1 after session)
9 Porsche Cayman RSR 5 00:13:07.694 6 laps / 0 cuts 02:07.305
Tyre: CUP
02:09.385 1

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Team Car Gained/Lost Total Race Time Num Laps Best Lap Average Clean Lap Collisions
1 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 4 00:25:21.604 12 laps / 0 cuts 02:05.109
Tyre: CUP
02:05.924 0
2 Porsche Cayman RSR 7 00:25:26.068 12 laps / 0 cuts 02:04.980
Tyre: CUP
02:06.012 0
3 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 4 00:25:27.929 12 laps / 0 cuts 02:04.575
Tyre: CUP
02:05.366 2
4 Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 00:25:30.397 12 laps / 0 cuts 02:04.044
Tyre: CUP
02:06.142 1 (+2 after session)
5 MRT CAT Motorsports Porsche Cayman RSR 1 00:25:32.891 12 laps / 0 cuts 02:04.730
Tyre: CUP
02:07.031 0
6 M.Torres Competición Porsche Cayman RSR 2 00:25:41.238 12 laps / 0 cuts 02:03.970
Tyre: CUP
02:06.977 2
7 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 5 00:25:58.678 12 laps / 0 cuts 02:07.362
Tyre: CUP
02:08.596 2
8 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 5 00:26:12.790 12 laps / 0 cuts 02:08.182
Tyre: CUP
02:10.056 0
9 Benedicto XVI válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 8 00:26:47.861 12 laps / 0 cuts 02:08.322
Tyre: CUP
02:11.173 3
# Name Team Car Points
1 Jose Pernas MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 108
2 Angel Cobas MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 107
3 Mauro Torres M.Torres Competición Porsche Cayman RSR 101
4 Eber Gutierrez MRT CAT Motorsports Porsche Cayman RSR 96
5 Javier Almazor Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 91
6 Alvaro Garcia Porsche Cayman RSR 87
7 Manuel Ortiz MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 75
8 Rolan Fernandez MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 74
9 Luis Darlos Ligüerre Miguel Benedicto XVI válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 65
Circuito de la Comunidad Valenciana Ricardo Tormo, Spain
Completed on Friday, April 26, 2024 12:07 AM (CEST)
  • Practice : 10 minutes
  • Qualifying : 10 minutes
  • Race : 5 laps
  • 1st: Javier Almazor
  • 2nd: Mauro Torres
  • 3rd: Alvaro Garcia
Best Qualifying: Javier Almazor
Fastest Lap: Mauro Torres
Fastest Lap (2nd Race): Mauro Torres
Most Laps Led: Javier Almazor
Most Laps Led (2nd Race): Javier Almazor
road_one_international normal

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Team Car Best Practice Lap Average Lap Laps
1 M.Torres Competición Porsche Cayman RSR 02:23.343
Tyre: CUP
02:23.788 9 laps / 5 cuts
2 Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 02:24.158
Tyre: CUP
02:24.768 10 laps / 8 cuts
3 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 02:24.411
Tyre: CUP
02:27.923 9 laps / 8 cuts
4 Porsche Cayman RSR 02:24.753
Tyre: CUP
02:25.454 8 laps / 4 cuts
5 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 02:28.267
Tyre: CUP
02:31.394 5 laps / 5 cuts
6 Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 02:29.171
Tyre: CUP
02:29.973 3 laps / 0 cuts
7 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 277:46:39.999
Tyre: ?
00:00.000 1 laps / 0 cuts

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Team Car Qualifying Time Average Lap Laps
1 Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 02:23.017
Tyre: CUP
02:29.080 3 laps / 2 cuts
2 M.Torres Competición Porsche Cayman RSR 02:23.053
Tyre: CUP
03:07.249 7 laps / 1 cuts
3 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 02:23.981
Tyre: CUP
02:24.467 5 laps / 2 cuts
4 Porsche Cayman RSR 02:24.477
Tyre: CUP
02:30.737 6 laps / 5 cuts
5 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 02:24.646
Tyre: CUP
02:38.932 4 laps / 0 cuts
6 MRT CAT Motorsports Porsche Cayman RSR 02:25.331
Tyre: CUP
02:36.937 5 laps / 3 cuts
7 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 02:27.828
Tyre: CUP
02:28.768 7 laps / 3 cuts
8 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 02:28.821
Tyre: CUP
02:28.821 4 laps / 6 cuts
9 Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 02:40.790
Tyre: CUP
02:40.790 2 laps / 4 cuts

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Team Car Gained/Lost Total Race Time Num Laps Best Lap Average Clean Lap Collisions
1 Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 00:26:39.175 11 laps / 0 cuts 02:24.253
Tyre: CUP
02:24.649 0 (+4 after session)
2 M.Torres Competición Porsche Cayman RSR 00:26:44.823 11 laps / 0 cuts 02:23.758
Tyre: CUP
02:25.125 0 (+4 after session)
3 Porsche Cayman RSR 1 00:26:46.337 11 laps / 0 cuts 02:24.787
Tyre: CUP
02:25.196 0
4 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 1 00:26:56.734 11 laps / 0 cuts 02:24.374
Tyre: CUP
02:26.003 0 (+1 after session)
5 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 00:27:40.769 11 laps / 0 cuts 02:24.973
Tyre: CUP
02:26.114 0
6 MRT CAT Motorsports Porsche Cayman RSR 00:28:12.146 11 laps / 0 cuts 02:26.735
Tyre: CUP
02:32.079 6 (+2 after session)
7 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 00:28:39.943 11 laps / 0 cuts 02:29.380
Tyre: CUP
02:35.565 2
8 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 00:25:27.005 10 laps / 0 cuts 02:27.209
Tyre: CUP
02:32.055 1
9 Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 00:02:48.616 1 laps / 0 cuts 02:48.612
Tyre: CUP
00:00.000 3

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Team Car Gained/Lost Total Race Time Num Laps Best Lap Average Clean Lap Collisions
1 M.Torres Competición Porsche Cayman RSR 5 00:26:55.314 11 laps / 0 cuts 02:23.861
Tyre: CUP
02:25.993 1
2 Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 5 00:27:02.300 11 laps / 0 cuts 02:24.401
Tyre: CUP
02:26.836 3 (+1 after session)
3 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 1 00:27:03.307 11 laps / 0 cuts 02:24.814
Tyre: CUP
02:26.824 2
4 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 1 00:27:11.222 11 laps / 0 cuts 02:26.264
Tyre: CUP
02:27.409 1
5 Porsche Cayman RSR 00:27:17.289 11 laps / 0 cuts 02:25.070
Tyre: CUP
02:28.018 4
6 MRT CAT Motorsports Porsche Cayman RSR 4 00:27:37.906 11 laps / 0 cuts 02:25.957
Tyre: CUP
02:30.446 2 (+1 after session)
7 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 1 00:27:39.726 11 laps / 0 cuts 02:26.104
Tyre: CUP
02:28.947 0 (+1 after session)
8 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 7 00:28:18.360 11 laps / 0 cuts 02:30.430
Tyre: CUP
02:33.153 0
# Name Team Car Points
1 Javier Almazor Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 116
2 Mauro Torres M.Torres Competición Porsche Cayman RSR 116
3 Jose Pernas MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 99
4 Alvaro Garcia Porsche Cayman RSR 96
5 Angel Cobas MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 91
6 Eber Gutierrez MRT CAT Motorsports Porsche Cayman RSR 82
7 Manuel Ortiz MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 71
8 Rolan Fernandez MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 37
Road One International, Canada
Completed on Friday, May 10, 2024 12:02 AM (CEST)
  • Practice : 10 minutes
  • Qualifying : 10 minutes
  • Race : 5 laps
  • 1st: Jose Pernas
  • 2nd: Mauro Torres
  • 3rd: Javier Almazor
Best Qualifying: Jose Pernas
Fastest Lap: Jose Pernas
Fastest Lap (2nd Race): Jose Pernas
Most Laps Led: Mauro Torres
Most Laps Led (2nd Race): Alvaro Garcia

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Team Car Best Practice Lap Average Lap Laps
1 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 01:54.438
Tyre: CUP
01:57.976 18 laps / 7 cuts
2 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 01:54.500
Tyre: CUP
02:09.080 19 laps / 3 cuts
3 Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 01:54.534
Tyre: CUP
02:05.879 18 laps / 17 cuts
4 Porsche Cayman RSR 01:55.401
Tyre: CUP
01:56.647 17 laps / 7 cuts
5 M.Torres Competición Porsche Cayman RSR 01:55.423
Tyre: CUP
01:55.467 6 laps / 5 cuts
6 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 01:59.633
Tyre: CUP
02:02.928 14 laps / 35 cuts
7 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 277:46:39.999
Tyre: ?
00:00.000 2 laps / 1 cuts

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Team Car Qualifying Time Average Lap Laps
1 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 01:53.912
Tyre: CUP
02:20.356 7 laps / 1 cuts
2 M.Torres Competición Porsche Cayman RSR 01:54.144
Tyre: CUP
02:29.727 9 laps / 2 cuts
3 Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 01:54.312
Tyre: CUP
01:54.312 3 laps / 3 cuts
4 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 01:54.317
Tyre: CUP
02:15.363 7 laps / 0 cuts
5 Porsche Cayman RSR 01:54.938
Tyre: CUP
02:19.887 9 laps / 2 cuts
6 TEAM WGP MARTINI Porsche Cayman RSR 01:55.472
Tyre: CUP
01:56.186 5 laps / 4 cuts
7 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 01:57.621
Tyre: CUP
03:09.288 8 laps / 8 cuts
8 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 01:58.931
Tyre: CUP
02:00.000 8 laps / 6 cuts

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Team Car Gained/Lost Total Race Time Num Laps Best Lap Average Clean Lap Collisions
1 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 00:25:07.704 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:54.700
Tyre: CUP
01:55.553 2 (+1 after session)
2 M.Torres Competición Porsche Cayman RSR 00:25:10.545 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:54.997
Tyre: CUP
01:55.977 1
3 Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 00:25:11.489 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:55.068
Tyre: CUP
01:55.761 0 (+1 after session)
4 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 00:25:22.836 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:55.387
Tyre: CUP
01:56.423 2
5 TEAM WGP MARTINI Porsche Cayman RSR 1 00:25:35.017 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:55.907
Tyre: CUP
01:56.968 1
6 Porsche Cayman RSR 1 00:25:35.189 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:55.830
Tyre: CUP
01:56.633 1
7 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 00:25:57.944 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:57.358
Tyre: CUP
01:59.439 1
8 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 00:26:18.581 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:59.111
Tyre: CUP
02:00.964 0

View detailed results breakdown for this Session

# Name Team Car Gained/Lost Total Race Time Num Laps Best Lap Average Clean Lap Collisions
1 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 4 00:25:19.862 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:55.436
Tyre: CUP
01:56.355 2
2 Porsche Cayman RSR 1 00:25:20.709 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:55.589
Tyre: CUP
01:56.495 2
3 M.Torres Competición Porsche Cayman RSR 4 00:25:23.734 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:55.467
Tyre: CUP
01:56.472 1
4 Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 2 00:25:24.338 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:55.247
Tyre: CUP
01:56.764 2
5 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 3 00:25:33.903 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:55.139
Tyre: CUP
01:57.451 2
6 TEAM WGP MARTINI Porsche Cayman RSR 2 00:25:45.596 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:56.178
Tyre: CUP
01:58.579 3
7 MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 5 00:26:10.108 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:59.103
Tyre: CUP
02:00.292 3
8 MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 7 00:26:20.187 13 laps / 0 cuts 01:58.789
Tyre: CUP
02:01.487 2
# Name Team Car Points
1 Mauro Torres M.Torres Competición Porsche Cayman RSR 108
2 Angel Cobas MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 107
3 Jose Pernas MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 104
4 Javier Almazor Benedicto XVI Válvulas Porsche Cayman RSR 99
5 Alvaro Garcia Porsche Cayman RSR 97
6 Jose Luis Sausa Cantero TEAM WGP MARTINI Porsche Cayman RSR 85
7 Rolan Fernandez MRT Team Meigas Porsche Cayman RSR 74
8 Manuel Ortiz MRT Martini Porsche Cayman RSR 68